About NOBCChE | Press Kit

Press Kit

Branding and logos provided by NOBCChE are intended for the use of NOBCChE professional chapters, national committees, student chapters, meeting planners, and anyone else, member or non-member, who has rightful reason to promote NOBCChE programs, products, or services.

Usage Agreement

Before downloading and using any of our promotional materials, please read and acknowledge the full NOBCChE Trademark and Policy Guidelines.  You may fill out our online form, or sign and return the manual form to us by email.

The trademarks of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Inc. (“NOBCChE”) (pronounced no-be-shay) serve as a source identifier in connection with our services as a professional organization, and help to distinguish said professional services from other organizations. The value, goodwill and commercial magnetism of NOBCChE and its trademarks are critical assets that support and sustain the organization’s national success. 

Because of the importance of the NOBCChE ‘s trademarks, it is the policy of NOBCChE that all employees, personnel, Chapter members, individual members, affiliates, directors, officers and other persons under the direction or control of NOBCChE to help safeguard and protect our trademarks, and be aware of and follow the rules and guidelines for proper use of NOBCChE’s trademarks. 

Because the implications of such uses and their possible legal consequences could vary from use to use, all such exceptions, any proposed variations of any trademarks and all other proposed uses of trademarks that are inconsistent with the policies contained in the Trademark Policy must be approved by the Executive Board of NOBCChE or legal counsel.

For more information, please contact answers@nobcche.org