As a NOBCChE member, you gain access to a spectrum of exclusive benefits designed to elevate your career, foster innovation, and build lasting connections.
Unlock a wealth of opportunities by subscribing to a NOBCChE membership. Here’s how your commitment amplifies your personal and professional growth:
Connect with a diverse and dynamic community of professionals, experts, and leaders in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering.
Connect with a diverse and dynamic community of professionals, experts, and leaders in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering.
Stay informed about the latest openings, from entry-level positions to leadership roles, and take the next step in your career.
Embark with NOBCChE on a journey of professional and personal enrichment.
Your pathway to success begins here.
Step into a vibrant community where passion for chemistry and chemical engineering converges with innovation and collaboration. NOBCChE Chapters are dynamic hubs of energy, bringing together young professionals and students to form a close-knit network dedicated to excellence.
Current NOBCChE members can receive special pricing on ACS national membership dues. This offer is valid for ACS’s Standard or Premium Package of membership benefits – This means you will receive every ACS member benefit included in the package of your choice at a significant discount! NOBCChE Members now qualify to renew their ACS membership at the same discounted rate as those who join at the Standard or Premium package level.
© Copyright 2024 National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
1783 Forest Drive, #316, Annapolis, MD 21403.