NOBCChE values the diversity of its membership and strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their personal characteristics or background. NOBCChE is committed to providing a professional, safe, and welcoming environment during its in-person and virtual events for all members and their guests. NOBCChE expects all chapters, volunteers, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, media, and all conference participants to uphold our commitment to diversity and inclusion by helping us provide a positive and harassment-free conference environment for everyone.
Key events of NOBCChE are local, regional and national meetings, as well as NOBCChE chapter-related events and activities. NOBCChE events aim to empower STEM enthusiasts and build a sense of community that provides: 1) a forum for chemical research exchange; 2) support and resources to participants as they pursue advanced training and careers in the chemical sciences and engineering; and 3) opportunity for participants to develop professionally through skill-based training and activities geared towards improving professional knowledge to build success. Furthermore, NOBCChE events facilitate networking opportunities, career development and placement, and provide organizations with opportunities to engage with a diverse STEM audience in ways that preserve this attribute.
An essential component of NOBCChE events is providing opportunities that allow participants to “fully realize their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields.” NOBCChE expects its participants and volunteers to display the highest qualities of personal and professional integrity in all aspects of their NOBCChE related activities. Indeed, every professional has obligations to the public, to volunteers and staff colleagues, and to science.
Accordingly, to foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere built upon a foundation of respect, fairness, openness and transparency, NOBCChE has adopted this Code of Conduct. It applies to all members, chapters, event participants, conference participants, and volunteers, (i.e. those conducting business and affairs of NOBCChE without compensation). All participants and volunteers should always abide by this Code of Conduct. Specifically:
- All participants and volunteers should contribute to a collegial, inclusive, positive, and respectful environment for their fellow participants and volunteers, as well as for other stakeholders, including meeting vendors and NOBCChE conference staff.
- All participants and volunteers must avoid taking any inappropriate actions based on characteristics which include, but are not limited to race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, political affiliation, ability status, military and veteran status, or educational background. All participants should show respect to everyone involved regardless of their career status and occupation.
- All participants and volunteers should create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of their background, experiences, or perspectives. This means treating others with courtesy and dignity, avoiding any form of discrimination or harassment, and actively promoting diversity and inclusion. They should refrain from using insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language in their NOBCChE interactions. Disruptive, harassing, or inappropriate behavior toward other volunteers, stakeholders, or conference staff is unacceptable. Personal boundaries set by others must be observed. Harassment of any kind, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment will not be tolerated.
- Volunteers must obey all local and federal laws and regulations while acting on behalf of NOBCChE. Likewise, all participants must obey all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government authorities while attending NOBCChE meetings. All participants and volunteers alike should also ensure that they comply with all applicable safety guidelines relating to scientific demonstrations.
- NOBCChE’s trademarks, insignia, name, logos, and other intellectual property should only be used in compliance with NOBCChE regulations and directives.
- Violations of this Code of Conduct should be reported promptly to a NOBCChE representative- Board member or Planning Committee Chair (or co-Chair)- or by texting (202) 618-2436. In cases of alleged persistent and/or serious violations of this Code of Conduct, the Board will review the evidence and will take such actions as may be appropriate, including but not limited to: requiring volunteers to leave their volunteer position(s); precluding volunteers from serving in NOBCChE volunteer roles in the future; requiring participants to leave the meeting; and, precluding participants from attending future NOBCChE events. NOBCChE reserves the right to pursue additional measures as it may determine are appropriate.
Following a Code of Conduct allows NOBCChE to create the best experience possible for all attendees.
Expected behavior:
- Exercise consideration and courtesy in your speech and actions. This includes avoiding offensive or hurtful language, behaviors, or attitudes.
- Attempt collaboration before conflict.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert NOBCChE leadership if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential.
Unacceptable Behavior:
- Harassment and discrimination, including any unwelcome verbal, physical, or visual conduct based on protected characteristics or background
- Inappropriate display, sharing or use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides)
- Any physical or verbal intimidation, stalking or following of attendee(s)
- Harassing, photographing or recording of attendee(s)
- Sustained disruption of sessions, talks or other events
- Inappropriate physical contact, and any unwelcome sexual attention (physical or verbal)
- Any boisterous, lewd or offensive behavior or language, threatening, intimidation, coercion, use of sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs
This Code of Conduct provides general guidelines and cannot cover every possible type of unacceptable behavior.
Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. NOBCChE leadership may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including removal from the event (and any remaining portions thereof) without warning and without refund of registration fee.